Juni 2018
Fotowettbewerb Juni 2018 (Vereinsintern) unter dem Motto " Augen "
Die Fotos konnten bis 18. Juni 2018 an unsere Schriftführerin Alexandra Puchner gesendet werden.
Die Zahl der Einsendungen ist langsam im Steigen und das ist unserer Meinung nach sehr positiv, es sind nur gute Fotos dabei.
Bitte weiter so....
1. Preis - Eva Pichler
2. Preis - Daniela Steinkellner
3. Preis - Alexandra Puchner ex aequo Karl Wiesinger (erstes Foto 2.Reihe)
1. Preis
2. Preis
3. Preis
Hier mal ein Einblick in eine Bewertung von unserem Kollegen Phill aus Großbritannien.
Hy Mike
How are you?
we like to rate
your photos,
we have eyes on your topic
We keep two professional photographers and two amateur photographers in the assessment
Our vote has shown that there are two third places we have found no agreement
the photo we gave the first place made true techinkand very clean also the idea very good
Photo we have given the second place just us very complicated hirwe were also about the work the photographer has made technology and photography true not bad
two thirds places no agreement both photos are artistically designed photography true neat and clean
We hope to have helped and wish you a nice week and I hope you will come back soon to visit us in London.
best regards Phill